A New Planet, Is That Too Much to Ask? ~ 08 Dec 2016

This might be one of those “be careful what you wish for” things, but all I want for Christmas is the 9th planet “discovered.” It doesn’t even have to be for Christmas. It could be for Chanukah, Kwanza or Magi Day.

Because of the pending discovery of the “9th Planet,” we’re in a similar place as to where we were before Neptune was discovered. We know there’s something out there. And this something is altering the orbital paths of several Trans-Neptunian Objects and possibly tilting our Sun.

While there are several nicknames drifting about for the object must as there were Flying Dutchman, Santa Claus and Easter Bunny for various Kuiper Belt Dwarf planets, Mike Brown refers to the undiscovered Planet 9 as “the perturber.” Of course, there are also the circulating nicknames “Jehoshaphat,” and “George,” the latter perhaps a play on the attempts to name Uranus as George for the British monarch of the same name, and more unflatteringly, “Phattie.”

Why do I want this new planet found? Because it will open the possibilities for new, hopefully evolutionary archetypes to lord overhead and presumably be swiftly integrated into our personal consciousness, society and global affairs. How do I know they will be evolutionary? Well, whenever a planet appears and is named, mundane effects that recently appeared in our culture or document society as contemporary historical events receive a pin stick from a new planet. Always there are polarizing astrological assignments... the high side and the lower realm of each sign. Always we will contend with the best and worst of the signs... and the times.

What do they sort of know of the 9th planet? They estimate it to have a 15,000 year orbit around the Sun and to be ten times more massive than the Earth. It is believed to be highly inclined, 30 degrees or more, and with a reasonably high eccentricity 0.6 (a perfectly round orbit is zero, a very stretched out orbit can go as high as 0.99).

The north node is estimated to be between 076 and 106 degrees of heliocentric longitude or between 16 Gemini to 16 Cancer.

The perihelion is expected to be between 226 and 256 degrees of heliocentric longitude or between 16 Scorpio and 16 Sagittarius.

Combining the above, likely we’ll have a new planet with one of four possible astrological themes: Gemini-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Scorpio or Cancer-Sagittarius.

Where is it? Who knows? Where they are searching is not clearly indicated.

When will they find it? No one knows. They might have photographed it and not yet seen it. They might have already seen it on some captured image that has not yet been analyzed. They might not discover it until new looking devices make their way into space. They might have seen it and just not reported it.

Why do I really want this new planet?

Because. I strongly feel that we need a new archetype that will inspire people to put down their damn smart phones and cease engaging in less that brilliant online activities and fully and completely without reserve, engage with life, meet challenges and embrace the essence of the spirit working to be included. And here’s the thing, according to current astronomical naming rules, a new body whose orbital period exceeds that of Pluto, which this body clearly does, shall be named for a resurrection or creation deity. Since Mike Brown is part of this hunt, the naming will no doubt be thoughtful and appropriate for the planet’s astronomical parameters, but will also be perfectly tuned to the needs of society.

When it is discovered, we will all and the planet shall be consciously responding to an uplifting and inspirational mythic archetype that encourages creating, recreating, evolving and re-evolving (not to be confused with revolution). Since it will be large enough to matter in the minds of all, even the most dismissive sorts, humankind will be charged with getting on with the evolution.

Are you in? Wouldn’t this be an awesome holiday helping of altruism and consciousness?

When Planet 9 is discovered, I’m going to be one of the first to add it to consultations.